

I was hit by a car while walking? What you need to know

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration ( reports that almost 5,000 pedestrians die in motor vehicle-related accidents each year. Whether on a sidewalk, crosswalk, running or jogging, pedestrians are very vulnerable to significant...

Someone else rear ended me, what should I do?

Perhaps you are driving into work for the day and the driver behind you is distracted by texting or playing with the radio and ends up rear-ending you at a stoplight. You may not know what to do after the incident if no major damage has occurred. Being rear ended by...

Mother’s Day – MADD

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) (, is an organization focused on the dangers of drunk driving and since MADD was formed, more than 30 years ago, statistics show that drunk driving has been reduced by half.MADD has offices in every state and least...