5 signs you may have whiplash after a car accident

Whiplash is a term to describe a range of soft neck injuries that are most commonly obtained after a rear end motor vehicle accident. Although whiplash injuries mainly occur from car accidents, they can also stem from any impact or blow.

In a car accident, the impact of a rear end collision often propels the driver’s body forward while the head stays in place, causing a sudden extreme extension of the neck in a whiplash type movement.

Whiplash type injuries are more commonly referred to as hyperextension/hyperflexion injury, myofascial injury, neck sprain or strain, and cervical strain or sprains.

Whiplash is sometimes considered a minor injury, but the reality is that cervical strains can be quite painful and disruptive to your daily life.

Symptoms of a cervical strain may not come on immediately after an accident and may take a day or more to set in.

A common misconception is that whiplash injuries only occur from high impact collisions, but this is not always the case.

If you have been in a car accident and believe you may have whiplash or a cervical sprain, the following are

5 whiplash signs to watch for:

  1. Neck pain and stiffness
  2. Decreased range of motion or difficulty turning your head
  3. Headaches typically starting at the base of the skull
  4. Muscle Spasms
  5. Pain in the shoulders and arms

It’s always advisable to seek medical treatment and to be evaluated by a professional right after the accident. In addition, always seek additional medical treatment if you have pain or other symptoms related to the impact after the initial visit.

As with all auto accidents, call the police immediately after the accident to ensure that a police report is made about the incident.

Refrain from comments that you feel fine at the time of the accident as symptoms may take hours or days to set in and seek treatment right away if you have any pain or symptoms at all.

Call your auto insurance company to file a claim right away. Keep a journal of your medical care and do not miss any appointments. Seek assistance from a legal professional to help you in protecting

Contact Hinman Law group at (877) 462-9732 for a FREE consultation to see if we can help.